Ismail Moroojo Ismail
3 min readJun 11, 2024


Photo by Yura Fresh on Unsplash

While mobile phones have undeniably brought numerous benefits, they also pose significant negative impacts on our young and talented youth. The excessive use of mobile phones among youth has become a pressing concern, overshadowing the benefits they offer . The unnecessary and overuse of Mobile phones has become a norm of the day in today’s world , having negative consequences.In fact , the majority of children have Mobiles phones worldwide . According to Survey conducted by National statistics, Institute of Spain ,68.7% of Children aged 10 to 15 have a mobile phone which is bulk in number. Mobile phones,which were initially designed to facilitate communication and access information ,have now become indispensable part of our daily lives, posing detrimental effects on our mental and physical health.As Children spend more time on mobile phones, so their academic life suffers , hindering their intellectual growth.The constant stream of notifications, social media updates , and endless scrolling lead to a significant decline in their focus , attention and productivity .The constant distraction of Mobile phones is leading to a significant decline in academic performance.The students are spending more time scrolling through social media and playing games than studying and completing their educational tasks.This shift in focus is gradually resulting in poor grades, decreased productivity and a lack of interest in extra- curricular activities.
According to one of the reports, “ The Problematic Smartphones Use(PSU) was reported in approximately one in every four children and young people.”
Moreover,the prolonged usage of Mobile phones has severe consequences on their mental and physical well-being.The blue light emitted from screens interferes with sleep patterns,eye irritation and depression , and other health issues.
Research suggests that excessive use to mobile phones can lead to stress ,anxiety ,low self-esteem and decreased physical activities.
Furthermore, the addiction to mobile phones can also lead to simple , bound ,busy and disturbing lifestyle ,even it leads to unwillingness to enjoy the beauty of nature, face-to-face interaction skills , and special isolation.
Regrettably, these disadvantages have completely outweighed the benefits. Children, during their heydays, tend to spend a substantial amount of time on their phones over their studies. The education is merely focused in such state. This shift in focus results in the younger generation falling behind in their education rather than advancing in their academic pursuits.
Additionally, mobile phones are being used to such an extent that alarming diseases like mental health appears . Mobile phone bears the more negative impacts in comparison to its benefits or positive impacts.
It is imperative for Parents to take a proactive role in monitoring and regulating their children’s mobile phone usage.By setting boundaries, limitations and encouraging physical activities and more concentration on education, parents can help their children strike a balance between technology use and their academic responsibilities.
Parents must engage their children to that activities which promote quality time and education, encouraging them to start reading quality books within mobile phones rather than playing games and scrolling social media.It is the best source if used accordingly.
By taking these measures, Parents can help their children understand the importance of responsible mobile phones usage and value of prioritizing the value of education, physical activity, and mental well-being.By fostering a healthy relationship between technology and daily life , children can reap the benefits of mobile phones while minimizing their negative impacts.
It is, therefore, high time for parents to take an active role in moderating their children’s use of mobile phones., it’s foremost responsibility to ask children minimize the overuse of Mobile phones which will help them focus on education.
In conclusion,the overuse of mobile phones among youth is pressing concern that requires immediate action.By acknowledging the potential risks and proactive measures, parents can help their children navigate the digital world responsibly, ensuring a brighter, healthier and more balanced future.However, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that the benefits of mobile phones do not come at the cost of our children’s well being.
Besides this , the relevant authorities and policymakers must introduce the features in mobile phones which are related and helpful such as META AI, rather than unethical and unnecessary things which may mar the golden future of many young talented individuals, ensuring the adverse effects.

Overall, In my opinion ,Mobile Phone is beneficial instrument if it is used properly. This instrument poses both benefits and drawbacks .

By; Muhammad Ismail Moroojo

Ismail Moroojo Ismail

Muhammad Ismail moroojo is a 20 years old , second year student of English language and literature at university of Sindh jamshoro.